86 research outputs found

    Finite element approximation of high-dimensional transport-dominated diffusion problems

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    High-dimensional partial differential equations with nonnegative characteristic form arise in numerous mathematical models in science. In problems of this kind, the computational challenge of beating the exponential growth of complexity as a function of dimension is exacerbated by the fact that the problem may be transport-dominated. We develop the analysis of stabilised sparse finite element methods for such high-dimensional, non-self-adjoint and possibly degenerate partial differential equations.\ud \ud (Presented as an invited lecture under the title "Computational multiscale modelling: Fokker-Planck equations and their numerical analysis" at the Foundations of Computational Mathematics conference in Santander, Spain, 30 June - 9 July, 2005.

    A Gagliardo-Nirenberg inequality, with application to duality-based a posteriori error estimation in the L1 norm

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    We establish the Gagliardo-Nirenberg-type multiplicative interpolation inequality \[ \|v\|_{{\rm L}1(\mathbb{R}^n)} \leq C \|v\|^{1/2}_{{\rm Lip}'(\mathbb{R}^n)} \|v\|^{1/2}_{{\rm BV}(\mathbb{R}^n)}\qquad \forall v \in {\rm BV}(\mathbb{R}^n), \] where CC is a positive constant, independent of vv. We then use a local version of this inequality to derive an a posteriori error bound in the L1(Ω){\rm L}1(\Omega') norm, with ΩˉΩ=(0,1)n\bar\Omega' \subset\Omega=(0,1)^n, for a finite-element approximation to a boundary value problem for a first-order linear hyperbolic equation, under the limited regularity requirement that the solution to the problem belongs to BV(Ω){\rm BV}(\Omega).\ud \ud Dedicated to Professor Boško S Jovanovic on the occasion of his sixtieth birthda

    Finite element approximation of steady flows of generalized Newtonian fluids with concentration-dependent power-law index

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    We consider a system of nonlinear partial differential equations describing the motion of an incompressible chemically reacting generalized Newtonian fluid in three space dimensions. The governing system consists of a steady convection-diffusion equation for the concentration and a generalized steady power-law-type fluid flow model for the velocity and the pressure, where the viscosity depends on both the shear-rate and the concentration through a concentration-dependent power-law index. The aim of the paper is to perform a mathematical analysis of a finite element approximation of this model. We formulate a regularization of the model by introducing an additional term in the conservation-of-momentum equation and construct a finite element approximation of the regularized system. We show the convergence of the finite element method to a weak solution of the regularized model and prove that weak solutions of the regularized problem converge to a weak solution of the original problem.Comment: arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1703.0476

    hp-version interior penalty DGFEMs for the biharmonic equation

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    We construct hp-version interior penalty discontinuous Galerkin finite element methods (DGFEMs) for the biharmonic equation, including symmetric and nonsymmetric interior penalty discontinuous Galerkin methods and their combinations: semisymmetric methods. Our main concern is to establish the stability and to develop the a priori error analysis of these methods. We establish error bounds that are optimal in h and slightly suboptimal in p. The theoretical results are confirmed by numerical experiments

    One-parameter discontinuous Galerkin finite element discretisation of quasilinear parabolic problems

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    We consider the analysis of a one-parameter family of hphp--version discontinuous Galerkin finite element methods for the numerical solution of quasilinear parabolic equations of the form u'-\na\cdot\set{a(x,t,\abs{\na u})\na u}=f(x,t,u) on a bounded open set \om\in\re^d, subject to mixed Dirichlet and Neumann boundary conditions on \pr\om. It is assumed that aa is a real--valued function which is Lipschitz-continuous and uniformly monotonic in its last argument, and ff is a real-valued function which is locally Lipschitz-continuous and satisfies a suitable growth condition in its last argument; both functions are measurable in the first and second arguments. For quasi--uniform hphp--meshes, if u\in \H^1(0,T;\H^k(\om))\cap\L^\infty(0,T;\H^1(\om)) with k312k\geq 3\frac{1}{2}, for discontinuous piecewise polynomials of degree not less than 1, the approximation error, measured in the broken H1H^1 norm, is proved to be the same as in the linear case: O(hs1/pk3/2)\mathscr{O}(h^{s-1}/p^{k-3/2}) with 1smin{p+1,k}1\leq s\leq\min\set{p+1,k}

    Discontinuous Galerkin finite element approximation of Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman equations with Cordès coefficients

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    We propose an hp-version discontinuous Galerkin finite element method for fully nonlinear second-order elliptic Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman equations with Cord�ès coefficients. The method is proven to be consistent and stable, with convergence rates that are optimal with respect to mesh size, and suboptimal in the polynomial degree by only half an order. Numerical experiments on problems with strongly anisotropic diffusion coefficients illustrate the accuracy and computational efficiency of the scheme. An existence and uniqueness result for strong solutions of the fully nonlinear problem, and a semismoothness result for the nonlinear operator are also provided

    Adaptive Galerkin approximation algorithms for partial differential equations in infinite dimensions

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    Space-time variational formulations of infinite-dimensional Fokker-Planck (FP) and Ornstein-Uhlenbeck (OU) equations for functions on a separable Hilbert space HH are developed. The well-posedness of these equations in the Hilbert space L2(H,μ)L^{2}(H,\mu) of functions on HH, which are square-integrable with respect to a Gaussian measure μ\mu on HH, is proved. Specifically, for the infinite-dimensional FP equation, adaptive space-time Galerkin discretizations, based on a tensorized Riesz basis, built from biorthogonal piecewise polynomial wavelet bases in time and the Hermite polynomial chaos in the Wiener-Itô decomposition of L2(H,μ)L^{2}(H,\mu), are introduced and are shown to converge quasioptimally with respect to the nonlinear, best NN-term approximation benchmark. As a consequence, the proposed adaptive Galerkin solution algorithms perform quasioptimally with respect to the best NN-term approximation in the finite-dimensional case, in particular. All constants in our error and complexity bounds are shown to be independent of the number of "active" coordinates identified by the proposed adaptive Galerkin approximation algorithms

    Discontinuous Galerkin finite element approximation of non-divergence form elliptic equations with Cordes coefficients

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    Non-divergence form elliptic equations with discontinuous coefficients do not generally posses a weak formulation, thus presenting an obstacle to their numerical solution by classical finite element methods. We propose a new hphp-version discontinuous Galerkin finite element method for a class of these problems that satisfy the Cordes condition. It is shown that the method exhibits a convergence rate that is optimal with respect to the mesh size hh and suboptimal with respect to the polynomial degree pp by only half an order. Numerical experiments demonstrate the accuracy of the method and illustrate the potential of exponential convergence under hphp-refinement for problems with discontinuous coefficients and nonsmooth solutions

    A-priori analysis of the quasicontinuum method in one dimension

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    The quasicontinuum method is a coarse-graining technique for reducing the complexity of atomistic simulations in a static and quasistatic setting. In this paper we give an a-priori error analysis for the quasicontinuum method in one dimension. We consider atomistic models with Lennard-Jones type long range interactions and a practical QC formulation.\ud \ud First, we prove the existence, the local uniqueness and the stability with respect to discrete W1,∞-norm of elastic and fractured atomistic solutions. We then used a fixed point technique to prove the existence of quasicontinuum approximation which satisfies an optimal a-priori error bound.\ud \ud The first-named author acknowledges the financial support received from the European research project HPRN-CT-2002-00284: New Materials, Adaptive Systems and their Nonlinearities. Modelling, Control and Numerical Simulation, and the kind hospitality of Carlo Lovadina (University of Pavia)

    Enhanced RFB method

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    The residual-free bubble method (RFB) is a parameter-free stable finite element method that has been applied successfully to solve a wide range of boundary-value problems presenting multiple-scale behavior. If some local features of the solution are known a-priori, the RFB finite element space approximation properties can be increased by enriching it on some specific edges of the partition (see[7]). Based on such idea, we define and analyse the enhanced residual-free bubbles method for the solution of convection-dominated convection-diffusion problems in 2-D. Our a-priori analysis enlightens the limitations of the RFB method and the superior global convergence properties of the new method. The theoretical results are supported by extensive numerical experimentation.\ud \ud The first author acknowledges the financial support of INdAM and EPSR